Sunday, September 26, 2010


Title: Buried
Year: 2010
Director: Rodrigo Cortes
Lead: Ryan Reynolds
Rated: R for language and some violent content.

Paul Conroy is a contractor in Iraq who is taken hostage, buried alive, and held for ransom. As time is running out, Paul tries to negotiate his escape.

FINALLY! BURIED IS HERE! Ive been waiting so long for this movie, it definitely lived up to my personal hype. Buried is a truly amazing film experience. Its a movie that only comes along, well, never actually. Its very unique. The entire movie is filmed in a coffin, great concept. Rodrigo Cortes takes this concept and constructs something truly excellent. The story is very hooking, and very cool. The film does have some illogical bits, but its ok, they are very easy to get over, and they didn't really bother me during the movie, Ryan Reynolds acting quickly took my mind off of them. Reynolds is the only actor we ever see on the screen, and he is great. I am even going to go out on a limb and say that (you can quote me) "Ryan Reynolds defines his entire career with this film." Its hard to act when you are the only actor on the screen, but Ryan Reynolds does it, and does it well, really well. Visually, Rodrigo does something amazing by shooting a feature film in a box that its nearly impossible for a human being to move. I don't want to give away a lot of details, but, he adds so much emotion with the camera, spinning it, flipping it, moving it, etc. he is able to dolly the camera from a close up to almost a master shot of the inside of the coffin... basically, its nuts. He does so much with so little. This movie is so intense, it almost makes you cry several times, and its so suspenseful that it would make Hitchcock roll over in his... well, coffin I guess. Rodrigo Cortes definitely blows the door off of the theater with this ambitious film. It goes wide release on October 8th, but right now you can catch it in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and New York I believe. This film is one of the best I've ever seen. Go see it, everybody go see it, buy it, watch it in a dark room, hell, watch it in a closet. Bury yourself with your TV and watch it. Watch it with a friend, watch it alone. Watch it with your dog, with your mom, with your uncle. No matter who, where, or when you watch it, watch it in the dark, and watch it with your phone off. Ryan and Rodrigo and their masterpiece get 9 1/2 out of 10.

The Town

Title: The Town
Year: 2010
Director: Ben Affleck
Lead: Ben Affleck, Jeremy Renner, Jon Hamm, Rebecca Hall
Rated: R for strong violence, pervasive language, some sexuality and drug use.

The leader of a bank robbing crew decides he wants to find a way out of the town that has defined his life.

The Town is great. Ben Affleck has shown that he is a true director, he does a lot of things right in this movie. It is acted so well by Jeremy Renner and Ben Affleck; but more by Jeremy Renner, he really proves that his Oscar last year for Hurt Locker wasn't a fluke. He's legit, and he's here to stay. He handles the Boston accent so well, and is so scary in this movie. The locations in this movie are fantastic. The Town is beautifully shot around the wonderful city of Boston, using Fenway Park for the most pivotal scenes of the film. Be warned, however, this film is violent, and the language is truly pervasive at some points. Its a very unsettling movie, but it is so awesome. I recommend it highly. Ben Affleck does not take shortcuts in making this movie, and he most certainly does not cheat his audience, nor question their intelligence. The Town gets 9 out of 10

Monday, September 6, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Year: 2010
Director: Edgar Wright
Lead: Michael Cera, Alison Pill, Mark Webber, Johnny Simmons, Jason Schwartzman
Rated: PG-13 for stylized violence, sexual content, language and drug references.

If a boy wants to date the girl, he has to fight and beat her 7 evil exes.

AWESOME movie, I loved it so much. This film has a lot of good things going for it, the music is kickass, the fighting scenes are visually stunning, and everything in between the two is so clever and amazing that it makes this movie great. This film has tons of awesome little quirks, like comic book captions on the screen, and cutaways, and funny/random moments that make this movie so great. Let me first talk about the music, its great, it makes this movie probably half of what it is, its punchy and raw, and very garage band sounding, it adds to the pace of the movie. The other half of this film is comprised of some cool fight scenes, romantic bits, funny bits, etc. The story is so far fetched that its believable in a world where things like this would happen, and the actors succeed in being believable. Michael Cera is so ordinarily funny in this movie, he does a great job along with the rest of the cast. I didn't like Ellen Wong's character, "Knives Chow", I found her very irritating. She did serve a purpose though and was not completely pointless, but she was very irritating, which was probably the writer and directors point anyways. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a visual stunning film with an awesome soundtrack, I recommend it to everyone, it is very enjoyably! 8 1/2 out of 10

Blue Velvet

Title: Blue Velvet
Year: 1986
Director: David Lynch
Lead: Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, Laura Dern, Dennis Hopper
Rated: R for a lot of bad things!

A young man discovers a nasty underworld in his lovely, suburban town.

Blue Velvet is one of those movies that you need to see at least once in your life. Its one of those films that will leave an impression on you, no matter what you get out of it. Its a classic, and I feel like not enough people have seen it, so see it. We all know that David Lynch is a great director who has made some pretty odd films, Blue Velvet definitely being one of the weirdest. The story is so odd, and unsettling, that it will leave images scarred into your memory long after you've turned it off. Jeffrey Beaumont (MacLachlan) finds an ear in a field by his house and decides to do a little detective work of his own. He soon finds out about a woman who is rumored to be a murderer, so naturally he decides to sneak into her apartment, where he finds out that she, in fact, is not a murder, and is part of something so bizarre that you will have to watch it to find out. The film is really made by two fantastic performances by Isabella Rossellini, and Dennis Hopper; Hopper's character, Frank, is, in my opinion, one of the most bizarre, unpredictable, gratuitously violent characters I have ever seen on-screen; and Rossellini, Dorothy, plays a fantastic paranoid woman, who is so mentally destroyed by Frank. David Lynch shoots some great film with this one, very well composed shots that have a lot of meaning, he does a great job with using the camera to add extra emotion to his shots. Very great, shocking, movie. Everyone watch it. Blue Velvet was snubbed by the Academy, it was nominated for Best Director in David Lynch. Blue Velvet gets 8 1/2 out of 10. You should all give Blue Velvet a chance.