Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Departed

Title: The Departed
Year: 2006
Director: Martin Scorsese
Lead: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, and Mark Wahlberg
Rated: R for strong brutal violence, pervasive language, some strong sexual content and drug material

This story twists and turns and ends dramatically. Its about a cop on the inside of the mob, and a mob inside of the cops and how the two cross paths trying to hunt eachother down.

Amazing film. Its insane, brutal, funny, dark, everything. You wont expect the ending, it keeps you guessing. This is not a movie you would watch with your kids, its brutal, the language is brutal, and mildly excessive, but somewhat necessary, they're from Boston... nuff' said. The parting shot in this film is the best parting shot I've ever seen, it is so fitting for the whole plot of the film. The Departed won 4 oscars, best directing, best editing, best writing, and picture of the year.
One thing that really bothers me (not in a bad way) is how there are a couple loose ends that i would have rather been tied up. But it gives you something to talk about the day after. haha. Anyways, this is probably the best mob film since The Godfather. 9 out of 10

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