Monday, February 15, 2010

Inglorious Basterds

Title: Inglorious Basterds
Year: 2009
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Lead: Brad Pitt
Rated: Rated R for strong graphic violence, language and brief sexuality.

A band of Nazi killing, Jewish American soldiers spread fear throughout the Nazi army with their brutal tactics.

Quentin Tarantino's fictitious end to WWII; Inglorious Basterds hits the Nazi.. I mean, nail, right on the head. Tarantino mixes the blood with the smart in this horror/drama/action/comedy film, and yes, this film is all of those. This film is great, Brad Pitt is hilarious, and everything seems to fall right into its place. Let me warn you, this film is brutal, and very gory, however, it seems to be hilariously disgusting. Its very light spirited gore (if that makes any sense). I seemed to laugh a lot at most of the killings. This movie is like a "Saving Private Ryan" comedy, there is almost equal the amount of blood, but Basterds is funny. Now it would be extremely uncharacteristic of me to not mention cinematography, so, Basterds has some of the best shooting of the year, I really enjoyed everything I saw, great angles that built emotion, that's what I like to see. Inglorious Basterds has won 41 awards this year, and is nominated for 8 Academy Awards for cinematography, directing, editing, sound, sound editing, actor in Brad Pitt, actor in a supporting role in Christoph Waltz, screenplay, and Best Picture. It was good, go buy it.. I bought it on blu-ray without even seeing it in the theaters and I am not at all disappointed one single bit. Basterds is brilliant! 8 1/2 out of 10

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