Saturday, July 24, 2010


Title: Cyrus
Year: 2010
Director: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Lead: John C. Reily, Jonah Hill
Rated: Rated R for language and some sexual material.

John meets the girl of his dreams, then he meets her son.

Cyrus is a fantastic little indie film with some big names. The story is hilarious, who doesn't enjoy a movie where a weird son breaks up a relationship? Cyrus is filled with all kinds of different things. Its a comedy, a drama, and a romantic film all rolled up into one. The humor is hilarious; Jonah Hill (Cyrus) plays the weird son of John's girlfriend, and John C. Reily (John) plays the boyfriend. During the film, we watch them duke it out until Cyrus finally gets what he wants. This movie is great, its very funny, and touching, I recommend it to anyone looking for a good, funny, romantic comedy film this summer. My only problem with this film is the way it was shot. The directors, from what Ive read, really like the whole hand-held, documentary type camera work, with quick zooms and constant cuts. I, however, really don't enjoy watching that, because I know I could do it better. Put the damn camera on a tripod please, it would make this movie look so much better. Other than that, the movie was great, and I will probably end up buying this one on DVD. Go see Cyrus, I recommend it. 7 1/2 out of 10. (simply for camera work alone, would be an 8 1/2 if they used a tripod)

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